Witch is the Health Authority in Mexico?

Comisión Nacional para la Protección Contra Riesgos Sanitarios (COFEPRIS)

Medicine Products, Medical devices and Herbal products require a Marketing Authorization (Registry) in COFEPRIS before commercialization?


Food supplements require a Marketing Authorization (Registry) in Mexico?

They do not require a Marketing Authorization (Registry) but they require an administrative process in COFEPRIS.

Cosmetics require a Marketing Authorization (Registry) in Mexico?

They do not require a Marketing Authorization (Registry) but they are regulated products in 2 different governmental agencies.

How many classifications exist in Mexico for Medical Devices?

Medical Devices in Mexico are classified in three.

  • Class I: Low risk
  • Class II: Medium risk
  • Class III: High risk

Is important to know that the classification is due to the Mexican laws so it could be different from the country of origin.

I require samples of the product for dossier submission?

No, the Marketing Authorization (Registry) is only documental process.

How much time takes to get a Marketing Authorization (Registry) in Mexico?

The estimated time depends on the type of product you have and the classification.

After I get my Marketing Authorization (Registry) I am ready to commercialize?

In addition of the Marketing Authorization (Registry), import procedures are required.

Al-lo Med can be a solution after I get my Marketing Authorization (Registry) for commercialization?

Yes, we can offer a comprehensive solution fitting in to your specific needs.

Can I know if my product has a future in Mexican market?

Yes, we are specialist in market studies and real value of the products.